
Amazing Facts about Martin Luther King Jr Day You Should Know in 2021

Martin Luther King Jr Day is a Holiday observed on the third Monday of January, around the day he was he was born, January 15. The battle to make his birth a national occasion was  gigantic, senators Jesse Helms and John Porter East led opposition against Kings birthday to be celebrated as a National Holiday and asked if he…

23 Interesting Facts About Martin Luther King, Jr (No. 20 Will Amaze You!)

23 Interesting Facts About Martin Luther King, Jr (No. 20 Will Amaze You!)

Martin Luther King, Jr. played a key role in the American civil rights movement until his assassination in 1968, He was a Baptist minister and a human rights activist who sought equality for black Americans. He is considered one of the great leaders of our times, who advocated for peaceful activism. You may know already, a lot…